
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
Reflecting on the recent traumatic experience of Hurricane Irma, I remembered learning in school about Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Abraham Maslow proposed his theory of motivation in 1943. The theory simply states that humans have various needs that must be met before progression to the next level is possible. He defined five levels. From bottom...
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manage emotions, life coaching, life coach
Hurricane Irma provided a great example of a challenging life experience that leads to a flood of strong emotions and a sense of uncertainty. What makes a natural disaster, such as a hurricane, so traumatic is the threat to all aspects of your life. You may experience fear related to your well-being, or that of...
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confident people have 4 characteristics
Being confident is a wonderful feeling. Not having confidence can be grueling.  Confidence is a quiet feeling inside, knowing that you are competent and capable. Boasting about your greatness and questioning your decisions are both manifestations of insecurity. Sometimes the differences are hard to discern. The four characteristics below describe true confidence that indicates a...
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