
Change Management
Managing Change
In any time of crisis or disruption, we have the opportunity to start fresh and create a new normal. This is however much easier said than done. In my experience, I have found that some people are better at adapting to change than others. I have low ‘adaptability’ on the Gallup Clifton Strengths Finder. Honestly,...
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Culture Conflict
Shifting the culture of a company is considered an advanced leadership skill, since culture is fundamentally comprised of relationships.  When conflict ensues, miscommunication persists, and drama becomes pervasive, the economical toll on a company is disastrous.  Lack of trust and constant fear perpetuate wasted time spent on gossiping, planning defenses, protecting turf, and assembling allies....
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I feel like I’ve been in a time warp the past few years.  I know as you get older, time goes by more quickly, but seriously?! I made the decision to return to school five years ago to answer a question that had been nagging me for years.  Some people are able to overcome difficulties...
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Change Management
“When you can’t change the direction of the wind – adjust your sails,” is a quote from inspirational writer, H. Jackson Brown, Jr. As a professional coach, I’ve used this quote with my clients many times. I often go on to explain it further, saying, “If a sailor knows a storm is coming from a...
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confident people have 4 characteristics
Being confident is a wonderful feeling. Not having confidence can be grueling.  Confidence is a quiet feeling inside, knowing that you are competent and capable. Boasting about your greatness and questioning your decisions are both manifestations of insecurity. Sometimes the differences are hard to discern. The four characteristics below describe true confidence that indicates a...
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