
How are you? Such a simple question. We must ask a dozen people each day, and a dozen people ask us the same question.  The typical response is, “I’m fine.” I suppose it’s polite to make such pleasantries, but why the avoidance of what’s really going on?  Is it just a habit to say we’re...
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Annoying Love Themes Valentine’s Day is the time of year when husbands, fathers, and sons run ragged, scratching their heads trying to be romantic. It’s interesting how the onus is on the man to prove his love and devotion. Florists, jewelers, and bakers thrive at this time of the year. When men are trying to...
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Feeling trapped Did you know that we make an impression of someone within one tenth of a second! It usually takes a few seconds thereafter to become aware of the impression. In that short time frame we determine whether someone is attractive, trustworthy, and credible. We are constantly bombarded with an unending stream of cognitive...
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Regardless of whether you give your valentine chocolate, diamonds, or flowers. Flowers on Valentine’s Day means roses. If you attempt to get any other flower, you are missing the boat. If you really want to be in the dog house, get carnations.or a romantic dinner, flowers are still a must. But there are a few...
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I have often wondered about the characteristics that lead to an Olympic attitude and the winning characteristics of professional athletes. I am even more surprised when I see one of these individuals succeed in a brand new environment. For instance, put a skating champion or a football star on Dancing with the Stars and they...
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Most people aren’t aware of their underlying beliefs about themselves, their relationships, and their environment. In my experience, one of the best ways to predict whether someone will be successful is whether they believe they will be successful. That seems fairly straightforward, but underlying that statement is a host of other beliefs. Do you believe...
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Are you considered successful? What does success mean to you? Everybody has a different notion and understanding of the word success. For some, success means raising a happy and healthy family, while others view success as becoming a millionaire, and yet others have definitions that fall somewhere in the middle. It’s really an interesting question....
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Have you been chasing your idea of perfection? Does it end up making you feel that, no matter how hard you try, you’re just not quite cutting it? Perfectionism is a factor all too common among lawyers (as well as other professionals and business owners). Each of us has an idea of what constitutes a...
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I have always been interested in the variety of ways people deal with conflict. There are some people who thrive on the potential for conflict and others who will hold back so hard they bite their lip until it bleeds. I’ve come to realize that your personality and behavioral style are strongly related to how...
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After training hundreds of classes on personality and behavioral styles I have found that most couple and spouse whom take the class together are almost always opposites. I have been told that I have even saved some relatiooppositesnships. In one class there was a husband, wife and child. All three of them were three different...
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