
How to find the right business consultant
Here are 5 tips for finding the right business consultant for you. 1. Establish your goals with your consultant. 2. Consultants bring their vast experience (at least they should) to their clients. Most are experienced in one or two of the main categories. Beyond that and they are likely spreading themselves too thin. 3. As...
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Manage change have acceptance
Ironically, the way to enhance your sense of self-control is to let go of control and surrender. This is known as the Paradox of Surrender. Surrender means we choose to let go of things that you cannot control and focus on the things you can control. Rather than trying to control the uncontrollable, surrender involves...
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Resilience Business Organization
Resilience is the ability to bounce back, and even bounce forward, in times of adversity. Individual attributes can be developed to strengthen one’s resilience, but a group of resilient individuals does not equate to a resilient organization. There are different factors at play once you consider resilience within a system of interrelatedness and interdependencies. As...
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Managing Change
In any time of crisis or disruption, we have the opportunity to start fresh and create a new normal. This is however much easier said than done. In my experience, I have found that some people are better at adapting to change than others. I have low ‘adaptability’ on the Gallup Clifton Strengths Finder. Honestly,...
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Business Coach Business Consultant
Workflow has slowed to a crawl.  Projects are backing up.  Clients are complaining. You want outside help, but who do you turn to? Should you call a business consultant or a business coach? The line between a business consultant and a business coach has become blurred. People often use the terms interchangeably, unsure of the...
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Stress Management
The fear of not having enough food (or not wanting to deal with grocery stores) during a pandemic can trigger a hoarder response and have you stockpile as much food as possible. Are you hoarding broccoli, kale, and carrots? Likely not! We intuitively know that comfort food is so much better when we are stressed....
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Compassion and Empathy
Being insensitive in the midst of chaos is a sure-fire way to lose business in the short-term and the long-term. When in the middle of a crisis, compassion, empathy, and thoughtfulness are required- remember your real character shines through during hard times. Insensitivity will become apparent; true colors are revealed, and underlying motives are highlighted....
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Emotional Intelligence
Intense emotions—from bitter spouses, grieving family members, or hurt victims—make legal representation complicated. Addin resentful coworkers, demanding bosses, and sensitive employees, and productivity becomes even more challenging. Compounding matters is our own emotional state related to worry about missing a deadline, overlooking a strategy, or the angst of not being responsive. In all of these...
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Resilience Stress Management
B.O.U.N.C.E. is a mind gym that focuses on building resilience, basically a workgroup, to practice shifting your mindset every week to strengthen your coping strategies.  Here are the top reasons to attend the upcoming B.O.U.N.C.E. workgroup: Clarify your purpose. The first component of B.O.U.N.C.E. is Belief. This refers to your belief in a greater meaning...
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Optimism Pessimism Mindset
If your immediate answer is yes, then maybe you are a pessimist! However, most people don’t fully understand the true definitions of optimism and pessimism. Optimism and pessimism are distinct ways of looking at the world and how we explain the events around us. This is called an explanatory style, basically how we explain and...
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