
Change Management
Of all the valuable skills you’ll acquire, learning to deal effectively with discomfort is one of the most important. Consider all the times you’ve wanted to do something, but either never started or came up short. It’s likely that your inability to handle the resulting discomfort was the cause. If you could handle discomfort better,...
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Best Year
If you want to enjoy your best year ever, you have to plan for it. How do many of us approach the advent of a new year? Well, we usually make the intention, the resolution to make sure the coming year is better than the last. That’s it. Having the best intentions in the world...
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Change Process
Transforming your life is possible. It only requires a few key ingredients: a plan, patience, and a willingness to step outside your comfort zone. If you’ve really struggled with life, it can be helpful to start small. Achieving a few small successes will give you the confidence to move forward with larger changes. Follow this...
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Motivation Holidays
As humans, our sense of smell plays a large role in our everyday lives, whether we realize it or not. Scents have the ability to change our mood, change how we interact with others, and even play a large role in our ability to recall memories. In fact, studies find that scent is so closely...
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Change Management
Have you ever been in a position where shifting your perspective would help you manage change?  You may have felt annoyed, frustrated, scared, or even trapped—the change was going to happen whether you liked it or not. This may have caused you to feel stressed for days, weeks, or even months. But what if you...
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Struggling to change
The evidence that change is hard; over 80% of New Year’s resolutions are abandoned within a week. If change were easy, we’d all be wealthy, fit, and happy. It’s frustrating when you know what you want to do, but you can’t get yourself to do it consistently. If the new behavior would obviously be of...
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Thoughtful Gift-Giving
Gift-giving is one of the most fulfilling aspects of the holiday season.  Generally, people will think of the joy of receiving a special gift for the holidays. But being the giver of a meaningful gift can be even more gratifying. Great gifts are really more about the thoughtful intention behind them than the actual gift...
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Gratitude and Appreciation
With Thanksgiving just around the corner, how much thought and effort do you really put into this day? Do you spend time being grateful and thankful for your friends and family? Or are you just glad that you get an extra day off work? As with any type of holiday, it’s easy to overlook the...
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Let’s clarify the meaning of passive-aggressive, this is often misunderstood. Imagine a continuum, one side is passive, and the other side is aggressive, right in the middle is assertive.  Now consider for a moment, what’s the difference between passive and assertive and aggressive and assertive?  Here’s an easy definition to understand the distinctions.  Within these communication...
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time management and work-life balance
Have you ever wished you had more time in the day? Or maybe you just needed to figure out what to prioritize? Amid constant change, crisis, and chaos, it becomes incredibly challenging to determine what to focus on and what to prioritize. Most often, we label this as needing to focus on time management. The...
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